Website Development of Mckinzie Money Management LLC
We have received many compliments on the design and aesthetic of Mckinzie Money Management LLC's website. This website was created in 2 weeks with no prior knowledge of website design or development. There are many different platforms you can use when it comes to website development. Every website has its pros and cons and choosing the platform that is right for your business can be hard. The website used for Mckinzie Money Management LLC grants us all the perks needed for content creation, blogs, services, and more. This website was created using Lets dive into it right away!
Using Wix was pretty easy when looking back at the website development, content creation, and marketing tools. Wix is a platform that you can easily create websites without and design or coding skills. When starting to use any platform it can always be a bit confusing and overwhelming when browsing all the tips and tools needed to create a fully functional website that also looks aesthetically pleasing. If you want something up and running quickly, you could pay someone to create the website for your needs. This would allow you to start advertising and offering services as soon as possible. However, if you choose to pay for a website, you aren't fully immersing yourself in the process of learning for the future. It is our belief that if you build the website for the first time, you would not only learn the skills to build your website, but you now possess the skills to offer your services to build more websites for yourself or potential clients.
Wix offers hundreds of design templates to get started with the layout you desire. You can customize each one which is great in terms of flexibility for those new to website development. It was difficult deciding which one we wanted to use that would be aesthetically pleasing to the eye and that we would love. Upon browsing for a while, one stood out that would accomplish our taste for choosing something bold, sleek, and professional. When you first create your site it allows you to customize using the Wix builder. Upon receiving your free Wix website you are given a domain name which includes "" and Wix ads. However if you want your own domain name without Wix in it, you can upgrade to the premium version which gives a lot of additional benefits with no ads. Purchasing the premium version allowed Mckinzie Money Management LLC to maximize the benefits given that our website holds blogs, services, and interactive content. Depending on what you are going for you can stick to the free version or upgrade to premium. If you want advanced marketing or online store options, they do have a bundle for that as well.
You can build various types of websites to match your companies goals. You can build:
Online Stores
Personal Websites
Business Sites
Event websites
Restaurant seating
Much more
Everyone who dives into website development wants there website to look good. However if you build a website that doesn't look appealing for the content or service you wish to offer, then it can hinder your business. Wix gives a short questionnaire at the beginning of your website development process to gauge the type of feel you want your website to have. The Wix site builder helps you choose the types of features you want on your website and lets you know if any require any upgraded website plan to use any. Most will not require a premium plan unless you want some additional apps, services, and benefits.
For this website, we created the desktop version first. Upon completion of the desktop version, the mobile version is also created but lacks the visual appeal that a mobile site should have. We recommend altering the mobile version for functionality and visual aesthetic. You need to make sure everything you want shown on the mobile version works and that it is appealing to users on smartphones and tablets alike. If you have a knack for design, then you will enjoy designing your new website.
Many of the pictures were licensed from Adobe Stock. As a contributor to Adobe Stock Photos you would be able to begin a trial in which you may receive a license to use downloadable photos for commercial use. You can also get paid as a stock photo contributor... but that is an additional method of income that will be discussed in another blog post. Once you feel your website is ready for viewing you can publish it. You can manage and edit your website after publishing so it is not necessary to unpublish your website unless there are serious structural issues. If that happens to be the case then you should work on it until you believe it is ready for viewing. Putting out a half done website is never a good idea as it can deter visitors from coming back to view your website. All yearly and unlimited accounts at Wix are currently 50% off so it’s a great time to sign up.
There are many tools at your disposal with Wix and more are being discovered as we create new websites. It doesn't take much to start this process. All it takes is a computer, an internet connection, and a vision. This goes back to our previous post about website creation.
Why do you want to create a website
What is your mission or goal of your website
What will your website be named
What kind of content will be shown
Who will be your targeted audience
Once you've figured out the answers to these questions, tackling the website will become much easier than anticipated. Of course things can always change, but now you have an idea of where you want to go with your website. With our newly created website and LLC, we answered these questions and are continuously thinking of ways to increase branding, service offerings, and clientele. When it comes to branding, we decided to create a Facebook page so more individuals would know who we are. With service offerings, we decided to add a service that offers website design and development for entrepreneurs wanting a fresh look. With clientele, we will be offering workshops focused on cryptocurrency, resume workshops for college students, building wealth with no money to start, and a lot more. Everyday is a new day in which brainstorming is always the first thing on the agenda.
We aim to help everyone here at Mckinzie Money Management LLC. No one knows your work ethic better than you. If you are a hard worker, we can make sure you accomplish any goal you set your mind to. Setting short term goals to reach your long term goals are a must. Learning how to build websites effectively and efficiently gives you another way to monetize your own skill set. Once you learn how to do things that other people will pay for, this makes you a valuable asset to securing your own future.